About 25 years ago, my grandmas 17 year old cousin who lived out in the country got in a serious car accident. He was seriously injured and was rushed to the closest hospital. He had major surgeries for internal bleeding, but managed to live. The medical tools used for his surgeries were not properly sterilized before his surgery and although he survived the accident and the surgeries, he got staph infection. When he recovered from the accident he only had a small limp, but he had a serious case of Staph Infection. He struggled for about five years with the terrible infection. Doctors could not manage to get the infection out because it was so deep. The infection ended up becoming so sever that it took his life. Now days all of the medical tools used for surgeries are packaged, so when a doctor performs a surgery there is no risk of getting a serious infection because of unclean tools.
Staph infection is caused by open sores or cuts that become infected with bacteria. This infection can become deadly if the bacteria invades deeper into your body, entering your bloodstream, joints, bones, lungs, or heart. The best way to prevent Staph Infection is to keep hands and wounds clean. Although Staph is treatable with antibiotics, if it is not treated fast enough it can spread throughout the body and get into the bloodstream. Staph Infection can become a very serious problem if it is not treated properly. Be sure to keep your hands wounds clean so that they won't get infected.
Wow that's crazy and I'm really sorry that happened. My uncle got a staph infection and almost died , but he was luckily saved.